# Hey there, I'm Sam. I care about what the next chapter of our species looks like and how we can make it as good as it can be. **Site navigation** This website is primarily a digital garden, a space for me to share essays, notes, thoughts, and whatever else in an interconnected way. You can see the what a post on this site is connected to in the interactive graph in the top right hand corner of each page. If you want to start exploring, head to the [[Web of Beliefs]] page. ~~~The first is [Global Citizens United](https://citizensunited.global/), a nascent movement to unite global citizens around the world and create a digital country (AKA network state) that anyone can join. The aim is to use it as a vehicle to address the variety of crises that we face and create a new model for our world, transcending the existing international system and continuing our species' trajectory of coalescence. The second, in loose collaboration with others scattered across the internet, is beginning to identify, map out, and articulate the values, ideals, philosophies, ethics, perspectives, stories — in a sense, ways of seeing and being individually and collectively — that will animate and guide our emerging global society, providing moral foundations that are _entirely consistent with the best science we have to date._ In many ways it's the reconciliation of Science and Religion and probably the biggest moral revolution in thousands of years.~~~
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